Realtors, Marketing Always Works

In a recent article I was featured in, another marketer wrote something brilliant that I wholeheartedly believe.

He said, “Marketing always works – it just doesn’t always work on the first try.

For my clients I tell them that I will find something that works.

It may take some time but I test and test and will find a way. It’s important to have the confidence that you’ll find something that works because if you don’t then you won’t have a client.”

It’s also Henry Ford that said, “A man that stops advertising to save money is like a man who stops a clock to save time”

Advertising works.

Marketing works.

The real caveat is the fact that it might not work the first time. This is why it’s so important to test, tweak, refine and reimplement.

Over the last few years I’ve really come to realize that many small businesses and realtors feel marketing doesn’t work because of lack of follow up.

Even despite the clear stats from Hubspot that you increase your contact rate by 70% simply by following up 5x or more, we still forget the power of follow up.

And… to be honest, it’s not your fault.

If you’re a realtor – you juggle a lot of balls.

1. Presenting offers

2. Open houses

3. Copious amounts of driving

4. Doing buyer and seller presentations

5. Showing houses… and the list goes on

I hear you, it’s not easy to follow up when you’re busy (psst, which is why I created the StudioPTBO call Center)

But i get it.

Time blocking isn’t easy.

So I’m gonna to explain the power of follow up in a real life example today.

Today we sent out a few emails / text blasts internally and for clients.

I crafted a message for us internally that said we were looking for 7 realtors that want to be apart of our case study.

I created a simple call to action.

The result?

25 booked appointments in one day.

25 booked appointments from what many would call a “DEAD LIST”The even better part.

We did this for a few of our real estate clients today.

To what many consider a “DEAD LIST”

Just because 3 months ago they weren’t ready to buy or sell.

Well the result?

These clients accounts blew up with appointments.

The best line ever from a lead to our client reactivation campaign “I don’t know who this is, but HOMES”The lead forgot they opted in 3 months ago lol 😂

And they never responded to 25 other messages.

But today, an appointment was booked.

Moral of the story?

The fortunes in the follow up+ You need to be building a list.

This is how you build a steady flow of business.Our success today for our clients and our own business was first taught to me by my business coach Taki Moore … he calls this a 5130 post.

—Average appointment costs this month for us are $180.

$180 x 25 appointments = $4,500

This allowed me to turn down the dial on the ads and save $4,500 in ad spend with 1 simple email / text.

Will i turn up the dials on ads soon again? Of course.

Once our teams calendars are open again.

But because we have built a list I was able to mine from the past list to convert some leads to booked appointments

And… we implemented this for our clients today.

And bam 💥

We are going to roll this out to the rest of our clients tomorrow.

Are you building your list?

-Cody “Build Your List” May

—P.S. if you’re looking to grow your real estate business and book 30-60 + buyer and seller appointments in the next 90 days, let’s brainstorm a plan together! Simply hit me up here: with the word “APPOINTMENTS” and I’ll get you next steps.

How To Build Offers That Convert

The other day in our Facebook community I asked the group who wanted access to our “Building Offers That Convert” PDF.  The goal of this document is to help you create better ads and help you reactivate an email list that may have gone cold.  This is something that we do for our clients on…

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Free 5 Day Lead & Conversion Challenge

My good friend Vikram and I are rolling out a Free 5 Day Lead & Conversion Challenge for Real Estate Agents.  Here is what we are going to cover over the course of 5 days! 📆 Day 1: Organic Media (How to use your social page as a lead generating tool and become a celebrity…

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