How To Think & Grow Rich

Think & Grow Rich is one of the best books I’ve ever read. Here are some of my thoughts around making your dreams a reality.

PS: When you’re ready… here are 4 ways we can help you grow your business:

1. Join the StudioPTBO Marketing Hacks Group on Facebook and connect with fellow entrepreneurs who are running businesses and growing teams.In this group we talk about how to grow and build your company on social and create momentum across your entire organization >>>

2. Download A Free Copy “7 Essential Steps To Generating Leads For Your Business”
We published this article to help provide massive value to this community and help you get started. Visit to download your copy today.

3. Get instant access to our Free Real Estate Client Kit to help you get buyer and seller leads with Facebook ads! Click here >>

4. Work with the StudioPTBO team privately.If you’d like to work directly with our team to help you build your business… just click here >>>

Did The Market Grow or Did Your Business Grow?

One important metric you need to know right now in your real estate business is the local transaction volume % year over year. This will help you make better decisions in your business. Are you outperforming the market or are you below the market stats?  If your market is down 22%, but your income is…

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Experience the Power of Proof: Join Our Results-Driven Trial at Sheridan St.

My good friend Sharran Srivatsaa recently told me one of the most powerful sales tools is to practice, “proof over promise” This led my COO and I to figure out how to launch a results in advance program at Sheridan St. Everyone is making promises. I’d rather show you this works and give you the…

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