Unlocking Hidden Revenue: How 2,000 Leads Can Transform Your Business

This post is for you if you have over 2000 leads in your database…

Here are some cold hard stats based on the industry.

1. 2,000 opt-in leads over 3 – 6 months of nurture at a 2% conversion (we have seen higher), but is 40 conversations that we could produce. And we produce about 800 – 1000 appointments for our clients every SINGLE month.

2. Out of those conversations with Sharran’s scripts our top clients are converting 40 – 70% to an in person meeting. So that would be say 20 in person meetings.

3. Out of 20 in person meetings we see 50 – 60% show up to that initial meeting, meaning ideally we should be able to get belly to belly with 10 – 12 people.

4. Out of those 10 – 12 people, if you just follow our frameworks to a T, you should be able to produce a couple deals from this (if not more)…

See, fundamentally we believe – all conversion happens in conversation. 

It is possible.

If you have a database, you don’t have to wait for your next deal to magically land on your lap…

because the truth is, in this market, it probably won’t land on your lap.

What I am trying to say is this…

If you have over 2000 leads, there is money sitting in your database.

If you’re not opposed to it, I would love to offer you a free trial of our system here to help you extract that money from the database.


Proof over promise.

CEO at Sheridan St.

The #1 lead generation and appointment setting agency for real estate

P.S. Whenever you’re ready to take your business to the next level… here are 5 ways we can help!

1. Test Drive The Sheridan St. Appointment Engine for Free: Get 3 Buyer/ Seller Live Transfers For Free: https://sheridanst.io/trial 

2. FREE PROFITABLE ADS TRAINING: Learn more about how top performing agents and teams run ads in order to generate leads that convert into deals faster: https://sheridanst.io/7-figure-leads 

3. GET YOUR APPOINTMENT ENGINE SCORE: We have had the opportunity to speak with top performing teams across the country about how they set appointments. We created a free tool that will show you how your appointment setting compares to other top agents/teams: https://sheridanst.io/appointment-engine-score 

4. GET BOOKED APPOINTMENTS, LIVE TRANSFERS & IN PERSON SHOWINGS (GUARANTEED): Learn about how top performing teams and agents are implementing our Dedicated Appointment Engine in order to experience massive growth in their businesses: https://sheridanst.io/book-now 

5. SEE WHAT OUR CLIENTS HAVE TO SAY ABOUT SHERIDAN ST.: Learn about what our clients say and how the program drives real results: https://sheridanst.io/

How To Write A Unique Selling Proposition

I can sell your home or help you buy because I’m a real estate agent isn’t an offer. I chatted about this on a recent bottleneck call because so many agents and entrepreneurs just expect clients to choose them but have no clear unique value proposition. And you as an agent or entrepreneur need to…

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Why Networking & Community Are Key In Business

Join Vikram and me on our latest episode of The RE Agent Podcast, as we explore the topic of why networking and community are key in business. Watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEXjTNs5FQM CEO at Sheridan St. The #1 lead generation and appointment setting agency for real estate P.S. Whenever you’re ready to take your business to…

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