Unlocking Client Conversations: Why In-Person Meetings Matter in this Market

We connected a client with someone that had been sitting in their database for over 500 days… This client had never actually had a real life conversation with this person. 

Was this lead in other databases? of course…

Your chances of getting the clients in your database without having a real conversation with them is unlikely. 

This is why we truly believe that you are 10x more likely to get clients when they are ready by meeting with them in person. 

This market requires more conversations.

This market requires more touch points.

This market requires more outreach.

This market requires more.

If you have a database of over 2500 leads and you are not actively making calls to them, you should start a free trial with us. 

We will work your database and help you have more conversations by sending you 3 appointments for free.

CEO at Sheridan St.

The #1 lead generation and appointment setting agency for real estate

P.S. Whenever you’re ready to take your business to the next level… here are 5 ways we can help!

1. Test Drive The Sheridan St. Appointment Engine for Free: Get 3 Buyer/ Seller Live Transfers For Free: https://sheridanst.io/trial 

2. FREE PROFITABLE ADS TRAINING: Learn more about how top performing agents and teams run ads in order to generate leads that convert into deals faster: https://sheridanst.io/7-figure-leads 

3. GET YOUR APPOINTMENT ENGINE SCORE: We have had the opportunity to speak with top performing teams across the country about how they set appointments. We created a free tool that will show you how your appointment setting compares to other top agents/teams: https://sheridanst.io/appointment-engine-score 

4. GET BOOKED APPOINTMENTS, LIVE TRANSFERS & IN PERSON SHOWINGS (GUARANTEED): Learn about how top performing teams and agents are implementing our Dedicated Appointment Engine in order to experience massive growth in their businesses: https://sheridanst.io/book-now 

5. SEE WHAT OUR CLIENTS HAVE TO SAY ABOUT SHERIDAN ST.: Learn about what our clients say and how the program drives real results: https://sheridanst.io/

How To Build Offers That Convert

The other day in our Facebook community I asked the group who wanted access to our “Building Offers That Convert” PDF.  The goal of this document is to help you create better ads and help you reactivate an email list that may have gone cold.  This is something that we do for our clients on…

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