Unveiling the Truth: The Real Problem in Real Estate Sales

After listening to hundreds of live transfer calls with agents talking with buyers and sellers… 

Let me be honest with you… because everyone wants to say their leads are better…

But 90% of the time it’s not a leads issue.

I get it this isn’t a popular take. 

We want to blame the lead.

But if you speak with someone …

Here’s the harsh reality.

You’re most likely terrible on the phone.

You most likely trigger sales resistance.

You most likely have no idea what to say.

If you have a script you most likely don’t use it.


You most likely don’t have a unique selling prop.

If you can’t answer that you know these, I can almost guarantee you’re down massively year over year:

1. You don’t know how to find your local market stats

2. You don’t know how many listings are actively on market.

3. You can’t confidently tell me the median sale price or average days on market

4. You don’t know that sellers can access pre sale renovation offers through companies like revive

5. You don’t have a script and you don’t roleplay daily.

6. You don’t have a pipeline or database of over 2000 leads 

See one of the biggest mistakes I made was only focusing on what my inside sales agents say. 

I didn’t listen to what agents were saying and they blamed the prospect almost all the time.

Then I worked with Sharran on crafting a script that is converting 40-70%++ of leads into in person meetings.

And people like our client Mike is using this script religiously, answering his phone all the time and has spent $2200 and made $36,000 in commissions.

But here’s another truth.

It takes work.

You have to answer your phone.

You have to script.

You have to practice.

You telling someone, “awesome I’ll set you up on a list and reach out in 2 weeks is costing you $$”

In fact, some shark is calling that same lead and meeting with them in person, educating them and taking your client because of your lack of confidence and skill to ask for the meeting.

And maybe you’re reading this and saying “maybe this is me”

Maybe you sold 12-20 homes last year.

This year you’ve sold 2-4.

Or you’re 12 deals behind your goal.

But then you look at the local market stats and realize your down 70%, but your market is only down 15%. 

I encourage you to look at your stats. If the market is down 15% and your down 70%, then you have some work to do with skills and marketing. 

But here’s the truth if you’re underperforming the market.

You don’t use a script.

You don’t roleplay.

You feel lost.

You know you need help.

But you’re afraid to ask.

This is why I listen to sales call, but i can only listen to so many. In fact, quite a few clients that work with Vikram Deol, work with us. In fact, i recently said to Vik the other day, “yo bro your client missed 3 live transfers”… why? Because i give a shit. 

Too many agents are struggling.

And the truth is you need both leads and sales skill.

If you have leads – let us call them.

If you aren’t converting at least 40% to in person meetings then I’m sending you to Vik.

It’s not a lead issue.

It’s almost always a sales and communication issue.

You think your process is working.

It’s not.

And your lack of asking for the meeting and your surface level questions is creating you surface level results.

60,000 agents have left the business this year.

Don’t be apart of the next 60,000.

It’s a choice.

CEO at Sheridan St.

The #1 lead generation and appointment setting agency for real estate

P.S. Whenever you’re ready to take your business to the next level… here are 5 ways we can help!

1. Test Drive The Sheridan St. Appointment Engine for Free: Get 3 Buyer/ Seller Live Transfers For Free: https://sheridanst.io/trial 

2. FREE PROFITABLE ADS TRAINING: Learn more about how top performing agents and teams run ads in order to generate leads that convert into deals faster: https://sheridanst.io/7-figure-leads 

3. GET YOUR APPOINTMENT ENGINE SCORE: We have had the opportunity to speak with top performing teams across the country about how they set appointments. We created a free tool that will show you how your appointment setting compares to other top agents/teams: https://sheridanst.io/appointment-engine-score 

4. GET BOOKED APPOINTMENTS, LIVE TRANSFERS & IN PERSON SHOWINGS (GUARANTEED): Learn about how top performing teams and agents are implementing our Dedicated Appointment Engine in order to experience massive growth in their businesses: https://sheridanst.io/book-now   

5. SEE WHAT OUR CLIENTS HAVE TO SAY ABOUT SHERIDAN ST.: Learn about what our clients say and how the program drives real results: https://sheridanst.io/ 

Unlocking Real Estate Success: The Key to Converting Leads Effectively

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