Unlocking Real Estate Team Success in 2024: The 7-Figure Appointment Playbook for Unprecedented Growth

If you run a real estate team… 

Read this…

And then do yourself a favour and actually listen to what your agents are saying… 

If you don’t record their calls and audit what they are saying I will guarantee you are leaving millions of dollars in production on the table.

And I know this because…

I have listened to hundreds and hundreds of calls and less than 8% of agents ask for an appointment. And I can bet that there are agents on your team doing this right now… 

My thesis:

1. They don’t know what to say to get the appointment

2. They don’t know how to ask for it in the right tone

3. They don’t know what to say at the appointment

So therefore, they don’t ask and they rely on referrals and they sit and wait for something to land on their lap. 

I am currently doing private coaching with 3 teams right now and we are training on the 7 figure appointment playbook every single week. The results so far are insane.

I had every agent on the team write out their scripts.

And in less than 1 month through role-play, practice and actually owning our scripts our conversations are way better.

In fact, one of our agents Chrissy booked 6 appointments from a recent open house using our 7 figure playbook.

Vikram Deol and I have opened up 2 more spots to work with us in a 1:1 capacity and then we are closing this down.

This is only relevant for you if you want to:

1. Increase the conversion rate for every member on your team. Meaning that if they are currently only getting 10% of buyers/sellers to say yes… We want to get them to 30 – 50% of people they speak with to say yes.

2. You want to add an additional +1 deal per agent per month (without buying more leads)

We are doing this because these are 7 things top real estate team leads tell us:

1. I hate online courses

2. I don’t want to join another group coaching program where there is no 1:1 support

3. I hate doing all the work myself and holding agents accountable when they don’t care

4. I hate saying the same thing to their team over and over again

5. I don’t have time to review their agents’ calls and train them to key success metrics.

6. I don’t have the time to do it alone

7. I hate that I have to spend all this money to get leads, pay for a CRM, create appointments, do training… and they won’t even answer their phones.

And these are valid concerns and it’s happening because you are missing key tracking metrics, call reviews and training sessions that will help to hold your agents accountable to the promises they make to themselves, their families and to you the team lead.

But seriously…

After listening to hundreds and hundreds of agent calls and seeing under the hood of the top teams from across the country…

Many of them are outperforming other teams by double digits.

And seeing under the hood of a team that has a 14% conversion rate on Zillow leads… In fact, last year they were up 30% in a market that was down by 30%.

(Which we have a playbook on how to help you do similar numbers)

It’s become abundantly clear…

That teams that want to grow need accountability, consistent measurement and agent/team tracking with a reporting software like SISU.

So here is what we will do together over the next 90 days to start 2024 right and set up systems that will serve you for life:

1. Place a dedicated inside sales agent for your account that I will personally hire, train and retain for you

2. You will get access to my call center team to work your cold / pond leads

3. Vikram will review your agents calls and they will personally train with us weekly on sales and we will run role-plays with our 7 Figure Appointment Playbook

4. I will help to clean up your lead flow and ensure that your CRM and systems are operating fluently – so we can track every dollar spent for a dollar made.

5. I will personally build out custom integrations so that our systems work seamlessly together (see me as your Chief Technology Officer)


6. We will give you access to our weekly live Client Impact Sessions and 5 seats inside Vik’s Real Estate Sales Academy with all our other agents / teams – where we train on key marketing, sales and tracking tactics.

7. Last but not least I will also manage your marketing spend personally and ensure that we are optimizing every lead pillar and tracking where every dollar is spent and every dollar that is made inside of SISU.

This is the only program where you can work 1:1 with me and Vik and we will train your team to performance. 

As this requires us to be extremely hands on, we are only looking to work with 2 teams and then shutting this program down.


If you want to make 2024 the best year yet — and put more money in both your teams and your pocket…

Send me a DM on Instagram with the word MAYBE and I will get you all the details.

CEO at Sheridan St.

The #1 lead generation and appointment setting agency for real estate

P.S. Whenever you’re ready to take your business to the next level… here are a few ways we can help!

1. START YOUR SHERIDAN ST. FREE TRIAL: Get 3 Buyer/Seller Appointments For Free: https://sheridanst.io/trial 

2. FREE PROFITABLE ADS TRAINING: Learn more about how top performing agents and teams run ads in order to generate leads that convert into deals faster: https://sheridanst.io/7-figure-leads 

3. 7 FIGURE APPOINTMENT PLAYBOOK: Learn what top producers are saying in order to convert more online leads to clients: https://sheridanst.io/7-figure-playbook 

4. FIND OUT HOW MUCH MONEY IS IN YOUR DATABASE: Use The Sheridan St. Calculator to see how much money in commissions is currently sitting in your database based of industry stats: https://sheridanst.io/hiddenmoney 

5. GET BOOKED APPOINTMENTS, LIVE TRANSFERS & IN PERSON SHOWINGS: Learn about how top performing teams and agents are implementing our Dedicated Appointment Engine in order to experience massive growth in their businesses: https://sheridanst.io/book-now 

6. SEE WHAT OUR CLIENTS HAVE TO SAY ABOUT SHERIDAN ST.: Learn about what our clients say and how the program drives real results: https://sheridanst.io/ 

7. ACCESS UNICORN VIRTUAL ASSISTANTS (ADMIN, TC ETC) – https://assistantly.grsm.io/huc4pcoi4yd4 

8. BECOME A SHERIDAN ST. AFFILIATE: Earn 10% of The Monthly Recurring Revenue We Collect on Active Subscriptions: https://sheridanst.io/affiliate-join 

9. GET SHARRAN AND CODY’S 7 FIGURE LEAD AND CLIENT FRAMEWORK PROGRAM: Find out how top producers are generating leads and converting them into deals on autopilot: https://sheridanst.io/framework-checkout 

10. ONLY PAY PER CLOSING WITH SOLD.COM: If you are in the United States join sold.com’s referral network and only pay when the deal closes: https://agents.sold.com/promo/sheridan 

11. SISU REAL ESTATE OPERATING SYSTEM: The top teams we advise are on this reporting platform and use it as a lifeline to track the ROI of every dollar spent and run their business operations with it. Check it out here: https://sisu.grsm.io/x7mfhuogvoqv

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